Bicho Malo (London to Cuba)
by Spoonface and Tomezclao
A fast tempo Latin, Bicho Malo is a fusion of all genres of Latin music with pop " you are a bad animal" referring to a person. Full of energy and a very happy track with rap, salsa and hip-hop all mixed up and accompanied by spoonface, the great English singer.
" Tomezclao" new release is a manifestation of Latin American Music on one album, it is a gem and melting pot of so many different genres all over" A melting pot of all Caribbean and Latin American genres and fusion makes them number one party dance group of all Latin Bands.
Artist: Tomezclao
Featured Artist
The best thing to come out of Cuba in recent times! So asserts Tumi label boss Mo Fini, who waxes long and rapturous about this indisputably vibrant collective in the accompanying DVD. And the Havana-based To'Mezclao are indeed very good: a seven-strong crew of music enthusiasts whose versatility (a more